Woman's breasts play a fundamental role in the self esteem, perception of feminity, psychological confidence, sexual sphere, gender assignment and acceptance of body morphology.
Inherited breast gland lack of volume or acquired loss of mass may be due to genetical, hormonal, reproductive, surgical and weight oscillations reasons. In spite there are some extreme situations in which any patient or doctor would unanimously agree, within a broad range there is no method to classify or size a breast and no anatomical reference can tell the suitability of a breast size given on a particular woman, being therefore own patient's personal, subjective, psychological and emotional reasons the only ones which may set the ideal mammary volume for that particular person.
The treatment of an objectively or subjectively, totally or partially undersized breast has to be customized to achieve the desired increase in size and preferred shape of the breasts, expand the breast skin, fill the upper pole, achieve a full cleavage, reshape the breasts and balance all the anatomical mammary structures affected.
Best state of the art treatment for the small breast is the augmentation mammoplasty with cohesive silicone gel filled breast implants, either round or anatomical shaped, recommendable with textured shell surface placed in the subfascial plane via concealed incisions at the lower edge of the colored areola or alternatively underneath the breast at the submammary fold crease.