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Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's before & after and intraoperative & technical photo galleries cases sorted from most recently posted to oldest.

You can search for any particular case #id or click on any thumbnail to access the complete set of photos of that gallery of images.

The complete galleries organized by a friendly menu in areas, treatments, diagnoses and techniques can be browsed at the Before & After and Intraoperative & Technical comprehensive repositories of images.


Case look up:
Case look up:



  • All images are genuine, trustworthy and real standard views of the "before" situation and the long term settled "after" actual results of Dr. Alejandro Nogueira’s work, as well as true intraoperative surgical views and authentic technical or clinical scenarios depicting real practice hands-on cases belonging to Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's skills and expertise.
  • No other professional but Dr. Alejandro Nogueira himself as leading and executing surgeon has carried out the techniques, procedures and surgeries shown in the galleries.
  • No images were staged, digitally edited or modified in any way, except for cropping, adjusting and resizing to fit gallery format, removing identifiable elements and blanking with anonymity purposes.
  • The images of results, treatments, techniques and clinical situations are mere guidance examples aiming to help the patients in their decision-making process, providing an average overview of Dr. Alejandro Nogueira's work; no one of them can be considered as an obligation of any particular results nor a commitment for the application of any specific techniques, therefore you should not base your results expectations on them.
  • Every patient has to be assessed individually in order to establish a customized prognosis of results and design an individual surgical plan, being somehow unpredictable the real final outcome of any procedure as well the surgical gestures applied during the intervention, since they will depend on multiple particular, frequently unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable factors.
  • Even when you feel that you look very similar to another patient in their images, your results will likely vary significantly, because you are a unique person and every individual has not only a completely unique physique, but also uniquely individualistic body healing capacities, scarring tendencies and recovery processes, some of which are unpredictable even in very-healthy patients who rest adequately and do all the other right and prescribed things before and after their procedure.
  • Previous successful results of a physician do not guarantee future successful procedures and patient's satisfaction.
  • The images may display content that is graphic in nature showing explicit surgery, clinical events and that may depict partial or total nudity; if you find such material offensive or you are sensitive to it you should not use this feature and should exercise caution before accessing other explicit features of the website.
  • The images are appropriate for a mature-only audience; if you are under the age of 18 you should not view the content of this website.
  • Any urgent matter of medical or commercial kind must be addressed through our Telephone Assistance which is operative 24/7/365 to contact with the Medical Team or through our Telephone Support which is available in office hours to contact with the Sales Team.
  • Priority but non urgent medical or commercial assistance is available by selecting priority option in the corresponding Online Consultation or Customer Support form.
  • Non urgent and non priority medical consultations may be carried out using the regular Online Consultation or Customer Support form without priority selection.
  • To apply for a face-to-face medical meeting use the In Person Consultation form.
  • If you wish to apply for treatment dates use the Surgery Day Booking form.